
Recycling for Charities Will Collect Used Electronics at the Noisy Outlaws Extravaganza in Ann Arbor , Michigan , November 12, 2005 at 4:00 p.m

p>ROYAL Royal Oak, Michigan - November 8, 2005 - Recycling for Charities (RFC), Royal Oak, - Recycling for Charities will be collecting used electronics during 826Michigan's Noisy Outlaws Extravaganza at 2245 S. State Street , Ann Arbor on November 12, 2005, at 4:00 p.m.

826 in NYC, Chicago, Los Angeles, San Francisco, Ann Arbor, and Seattle are throwing a six-city extravaganza to celebrate the Lemony Snicket collection. These events will allow kids to complete Lemony Snicket's story he started on the inside of the dust jacket and left for the reader to finish. In each city, an author will offer help with these endings, and give a reading as well. At every 826, Lemony Snicket will shown via satellite. Admission is free.

826michigan is a non-profit organization dedicated to supporting students aged 6 to 18 with their creative and expository writing skills and to helping teachers inspire their students to write. Founded by Ann Arbor writer Steven Gillis, 826michigan is a chapter of the 826National non-profit organization. Through after school, drop-in tutoring, field trips, workshops, writing rooms, and various other means, 826's main goal is to inspire young people and foster their creativity.

Recycling for Charities is a non-profit organization that allows individuals to donate cell phones, PDA's, pagers, digital cameras, inkjet cartridges and other electronics in an effort that benefits not only the cause of their choice but also the environment at large. "The well being of the environment should be a concern to all of us," said Dwight Zahringer, Co-founder of RFC. "With the proliferation of cell phones and other electronic devices, we need a source for properly disposing of old, unwanted items. That was the primary motivation behind RFC." For every charity donation one provides, a portion of the proceeds will be given to 826Michigan. All donations are tax-deductible.

For more information, contact Amy at amy@826michigan.org or go to www.826michigan.org

More information about Recycling for Charities can be found at www.recyclingforcharities.com .