
Send a donation to Foster & Banks Walk in Faith Foundation

Foster & Banks Walk in Faith Foundation


7839 Dalton Ave

Los Angeles CA 90047

Phone: (310) 885-1409

Alternate Phone: (323) 482-5888

The Foster & Banks Walk in Faith Foundation is a Green, Environmentally friendly, community social services Non Profit 501c(3) Foundation.We engage in outreach efforts on a consistent basis.The emphasis of our Green, Environmentally friendly Foundation is on promoting environmental awareness, responsibility, and accountability for today's youth while alsocreating meaningful connections for "at risk youth" and families, providing access to community outreach, & with providing accessible navigation through Los Angeles’ comprehensive children services system. 


Below, please fill out the number of each item you would like to donate. If you are not donating any of a particular item, just enter 0.
